The Smoke Has Finally Cleared

I was out in the Carr Fire burn area today. It’s quite devastating to see the thousands of burned acres of forest. This fire destroyed over 1600 structures, but it also killed millions of trees. We are faced with an epic fire salvage operation that will take years to complete. That will be followed by an equally epic reforestation program

Wild Wednesday … Northern Pacific Rattlesnake

While looking at a timber sale last week with a fellow forester, we walked past this big northern Pacific rattlesnake. His dog walked within inches in front of the rattlesnake and it buzzed like crazy. The dog didn’t react to the snake at all. That’s probably why the snake didn’t strike the dog. I took the picture and video with my cell phone so it’s not the greatest quality. Be careful if you hear this sound.

The Art Challenge, Day Two … En Plein Aire

It’s day two! I was tagged to do the 3 pieces of art a day for 5 days, Art Challenge, by Mark Mitchell. The theme for today is “En Plein Aire.” The nuthatch is my first and only plein aire watercolor painting. Perhaps there will be more someday. The others were done over lunch while making my rounds in the woods. Just a tiny snapshots of my days. Pens are so much more portable than watercolors. I would love to see Mary at oilpastelsbymary to do the Art Challenge.

This challenge originated on Facebook, but I have moved it over to WordPress. Please check it out my new Facebook page at Tim Livingston.