Auction Results SCLC

Another successful Sierra Cascade Logging Conference wrapped up yesterday. We donate paintings every year to the Conference to benefit their educational charity. Our art was auctioned off Friday night to raise money for the Environmental Resource Education Fund.

The paintings were front and center.

We ended up in a draw. Both paintings were purchased by John Wheeler Logging for $8,000 a piece. In total $16,000 were raised for forestry education.

Thank you to Johnny Miller and the folks at John Wheeler Logging for your support.

Side By Side

Here they are side by side. My painting and MaryA Livingston’s painting. May the best painting win! I’d love to hear which painting you like best. No judgement here, I really want to know what you think.

For anyone interested I’m attaching a link for online bidders for the event. All proceeds go to the Environmental Resource Education Fund of the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference. The money supports forestry education programs and scholarships.

The Auction is February 10, 2023, 5pm. The bidding will probably not start until after 6 or 7 pm. There are usually about 50 items in the auction and our paintings typically show up around the middle. Top bidder gets to choose their favorite!

Parbuckling Sugar Pine

Parbuckling Sugar Pine

I’ve finished my submission for the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference’s fundraising auction to raise money for the Environmental Resource Education Fund. It’s watercolor 18”x 14.5”. Vintage logging scenes are a favorite theme for me. I’ll be competing against my adorable wife Mary in a head to head competition to see who raises the most money. The winner gets bragging rights. I’ll post the paintings side by side in the next few days and you can judge which is your favorite.

I put together a progression video. I hope you enjoy.

Parbuckling was a method of loading logs where a chain or cable was hooked to the log cart and wrapped around the log being loaded. The cable was pulled causing the log to roll up a set of poles. Steam in the form of a steam traction engine or steam donkey, or teams of oxen or horse provided the motive force.

New Watercolor For SCLC

I’m working on a painting for auction at the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference. It helps raise money for their forestry education fund. Here’s the WIP.

In the beginning.

Time to Get Going

I’m starting my new piece of art for the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference Forestry Education Fundraising Auction. That’s a mouth full. I don’t have anything to post yet, but here is last years entry.

I’m going to need to top this one! Stay tuned for my progress reports.

BIG RED – TD-24 International

Here’s one I recently finished. This painting has been donated to the Pacific Logging Congress for their fundraiser auction.

Circa late 1950’s.