Golden Retriever Bliss

Golden Retriever, Bliss, pen and ink, pen drawing, drawing pet portrait

Golden Retriever Portrait of Bliss in pen and ink.

We took a walk around the property on this blustery day. Here’s a gallery of our pack. Just click on a picture to enlarge.

Forester Friday … A Forester’s New Dog

golden retriever puppy, golden retriever, dog, puppy

Meet “Bliss”, Redtail’s Guilty Pleasure. Our new baby girl. Bliss is the Great-Great-Great Grandpup of our first golden “Bo.”

This was her first week with us.

Here, Mary and I just picked up Bliss from the breeder Susan Liptak.

Here, Mary and I just picked up Bliss from the breeder, Susan Liptak.

Hunter Puppy


A pen and ink of my old boy “Hunter.” He was the best hunting dog I ever had.

The photo I used for this drawing appeared in the post Forestry Friday … What A Difference A Decade Makes.


golden retriever, working dog, golden, retriever

Hunter’s motto was “It’s good to be Hunter!”

golden retriever puppy, golden puppy, puppy

It must have hurt to be that cute. He was always Hunter puppy to me, even when he was old. Makes me kind of misty.

Pen and ink prints available at Fine Art America.




Popping By The Pole Yard

We never know who might just pop by the Pole Yard.  While driving through the yard the other day this rooster pheasant was strutting down the road.  Unconcerned, he took his sweet time.  I stopped, not wanting to run over His Excellency, and took some pictures to record this auspicious occasion.  He finally moved out of the road, but seemed somewhat perturbed by the inconvenience.

pheasant, poles, nature, wildlife, photography

His Excellency on parade.

pheasant, poles, nature, wildlife, photography

He finally allows us to pass.

pheasant, poles, nature, wildlife, photography

Even I have to admit, he is a handsome fellow.

Teka and Blitz were busy plotting against His Excellency!

Teka and Blitz were busy plotting against His Excellency!

We lost a dear canine member of our family today. Tom-dog you were loved very much. I’m reblogging this post by my wife, Mary. I don’t have anything to add to this today.

Sneaking Bliss

Golden Bo Thomas SH WCX“Our animals shepherd us through certain eras of our lives. When we are ready to turn the corner and make it our own…they let us go.” Author Unknown

We knew this day was coming. The average lifespan of a retriever is 10 years. Tom-dog was 14 years, 8 months when we said good-bye today.

He came home to our youngest son many years ago and was the grand-pup of our first retriever. In the learning hands of a growing boy he was trained into an outstanding hunter and companion.

When his boy grew to manhood, left for college, got married and started his family, Tom stayed with us.  In the years that have followed, this magnificent family member has been greeted by 3 rowdy grandkids that he loved dearly.
Tom-dog always loved kids. It is only fitting that Tom-dog’s grand-pup, Jake, now resides with Tom-dog’s first person and family.

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A Gift Of Art

I’m reblogging a post today from our blogger friend Divya. Her blog is and I encourage you to go visit. It is a wonderful blog. Last week she contacted me and my wife, Mary, about drawing a picture from a photo I took of two of our golden retrievers. This is her post of our dogs. Thank you Divya, we love the picture. What a beautiful gift you have given us. Blaze and Hunter were the dogs that appeared in the original post,

Divya's Art Blog

Drawing Surface:  The Boutique AT Paper Mill Shop, Luxury Artist Pad a4 (Made in the English Lake District)

Some of you might recognize these innocent faces in a photo taken by The Forester Artist. This is an attempt to replicate in my drawing book the pets of the Livingstons, The Forester Artist and The Backdoor Artist, who have kindly given me the permission to sketch and post publicly. I am very inspired by how real life images are the subject matter of Tim and Mary‘s illustrations, and you can find some in FireStorm in the Forest by Red Tail Publishing. They are very helpful and I am greatly delighted to have them as blogger friends (and the first ones on WordPress).

As I gathered, on the left is Blaze and on the right is Hunter…and caught in a wonderful moment by Tim. The sketch will do half…

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