On the Road to Montana and Back

Mary and I recently returned from a long road trip. We were on a mission to pick up our newest pack member, Phanny, while visiting our friends in Montana. We decided to make a week of it and enjoy the western sights with Sailor, Tasha, and Bliss. Starting in California, we crossed Nevada and Idaho to reach our destination in central Montana. Here’s a gallery of some sights along the way. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

To see Mary’s post about Phanny’s first week, and her trip from Montana to her new home in California click here, New Puppy Bliss!

Bliss and the Destroying Angel

Bliss was close to death. Dr. Bob called to tell us that we had better come to see her now. We knew what he meant by what he didn’t say.

Bliss, golden retriever, dog, puppy, poison, amanita ocreata, Destroying Angel

Inspired by a near tragedy, watercolor, and pen and ink.

This was last June. Mary has posted the entire story on her blog at Sneaking Bliss. I encourage you to read it, especially if you are a dog owner.

Forestry Friday … First Trip to the Woods

Bliss is a forester’s dog and this was her first day at work.

golden retriever, retriever,forester, puupy

It’s her job to go to the woods. There’s no time like the present to start training her.

On her first day she got to play in numerous rivers and visit the redwoods. Not bad for a day one. I documented her day in the gallery below.

Forester Friday … A Forester’s New Dog

golden retriever puppy, golden retriever, dog, puppy

Meet “Bliss”, Redtail’s Guilty Pleasure. Our new baby girl. Bliss is the Great-Great-Great Grandpup of our first golden “Bo.”

This was her first week with us.

Here, Mary and I just picked up Bliss from the breeder Susan Liptak.

Here, Mary and I just picked up Bliss from the breeder, Susan Liptak.

Old Dogs, New Dogs

golden retriever, Blitz, pen and ink, drawing, pen, ink

It’s been almost a year since Blitz passed. Soon after, I did this portrait of her as a bit of art therapy.

Our new girl golden retriever puppy was born on the 6th. She will be coming home in about six weeks. I can’t wait.

puppies, golden retriever, puppy, dogs

Our new baby is in there somewhere. She’s the cute one. Photo courtesy of Susan Liptak.

It just so happens her Grandmother, Gracie, is staying with us for awhile. In fact, at this moment she is putting a stuffed toy wolverine in my lap and asking for me to throw it for her. She’s staying with us while I’m running her in the Junior Hunt Tests for her owner and personal friend, Sally. Blitz was Gracie’s cousin.

golden retriever

Gracie is schmoozing for a retrieve with a stuffed wolverine. I think the wolverine is well loved.

This weekend we attended the Marin Retriever Club Hunt Test in Corning, California. It was a double header and we ran dogs on Saturday and Sunday. Mary ran her Sailor, Sally ran her Bella and I ran Sally’s Gracie. Great fun was had by all, especially the dogs. Everybody qualified in both events.

hunt test, AKC Hunt Test, marking, duck, golden retriever

The gunner shoots the live flyer. Gracie and I are at the line watching her second bird go down. Photo courtesy of MaryA Livingston.

Prints available at Fine Art America.

Puppy Bliss

We have a new young visitor in our home. Mary tells all about him!

Sneaking Bliss

Meet Saturday Night Kintaro of Akiyama. We call him Kinta. He will be a guest at our home for several months before he is able to join his family in Japan.

Japan is a rabies free country. Kinta was born in Montana, USA. The US is not a rabies free country. He comes from Saturday Night Golden Retrievers.

The procedure goes something like this, Kinta will receive a rabies vaccination as soon as he is old enough. Then he will receive a booster a month later. A month after that, his blood will be tested for rabies titers. If his titer level is high enough, he then must wait for six months before going home. Once in Japan, he will be observed for several hours prior to being released to his family. He will also undergo many other health certifications prior to getting a green light to breed…

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