Puppy Bliss

We have a new young visitor in our home. Mary tells all about him!

Sneaking Bliss

Meet Saturday Night Kintaro of Akiyama. We call him Kinta. He will be a guest at our home for several months before he is able to join his family in Japan.

Japan is a rabies free country. Kinta was born in Montana, USA. The US is not a rabies free country. He comes from Saturday Night Golden Retrievers.

The procedure goes something like this, Kinta will receive a rabies vaccination as soon as he is old enough. Then he will receive a booster a month later. A month after that, his blood will be tested for rabies titers. If his titer level is high enough, he then must wait for six months before going home. Once in Japan, he will be observed for several hours prior to being released to his family. He will also undergo many other health certifications prior to getting a green light to breed…

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This Forester’s Bliss

Mary aka, Sneaking Bliss, loves writing about bliss.  Today she is celebrating a birthday and a big one at that.  Some birthday bliss is just what she deserves.

The Backdoor Artist, Mary, portrait

A little sketch I did of her while preparing to do a watercolor portrait.

Thinking about the day that she entered the world makes me reflect on the bliss she has brought me and so many others.  It is difficult to sum up all the experiences we have shared together.  Sometimes the journey has been like a bullet train moving way to fast leaving us wondering where the time went.  Other times it was like a wagon train head West, a difficult journey, but full of spectacular sights and hope for the future.  I’ve loved the journey with her.

Mary digging for gold.

Mary digging for gold.

It is your birthday today Mary, but I feel like the one who has been given a great gift.  Thank you for being my bliss.  Happy Birthday and I love you.

“If they gave me a fortune my pleasure would be small.  I could lose it all tomorrow and never mind at all, but if I should lose your love dear I don’t know what I’d do. For I know I’ll never find another you.”

The Seekers – Tom Springfield

I’ll Never Find Another You

Mary with gold

Bigger on the Inside

This is a post from our yard by the Backdoor Artist. I held the ladder while Mary captured this great image of one of our resident turkey vultures.

Sneaking Bliss

Peering down the vulture hole, I am amazed at the ability of the turkey vultures to climb in and out of this nesting location. It is fourteen feet from the opening to the base.

It is unclear whether this brooding vulture is on eggs or new chicks. It should be nearing time for the eggs to hatch, if my calculations are correct. On March 5th & 6th , I recorded the pair breeding at the entrance and the female retreating inside the nesting cavity. I am making an educated guess that this was around the time of laying their eggs. Most sources site 34-40 days incubation. Sources are vague on the day count, but in all fairness who counts days for vultures hatching? The UStream Missouri turkey vultures incubated for 34 days in 2012.

Both parents incubate the eggs and share in raising the chicks. I do not…

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Behind The Scenes

Ever wonder what is going on behind the scenes with other blogs?  This is a little snippet in the life of The Backdoor Artist.  If you are a follower of my blog, you probably already know that I am married to The Backdoor Artist, Mary Livingston.

The Backdoor Artist, Mary Livingston, Artist, Photographer

Mary in the creative process.

Mary has a front row seat to our backyard with a large window facing out from her work space.  It is a wonderful view.  A view which often provides for visual treats.  Yesterday she spotted a large buck across the pond.  She posted this adventure complete with beautiful pictures here at, http://thebackdoorartist.com/2012/12/11/animal-attraction/.

Spotting this big old buck prompted frantic camera grabbing and stealthful sneaking out into the yard to photograph the buck.  When he didn’t run away, we plotted to stalk our subject for more and better shots.  More frantic activity ensued with changing of clothes and getting shoes on.  We came around the garage and started approaching our prey, all the while, keeping the trees in between to hide our approach.  Next, we used the dam of our pond for cover and climbed to the higher ground.  Once, on top of the dam we had to stay low to stay out of sight.

Stalking, buck, photography, photos,

Mary belly crawls for the money shot. The buck is on the hillside on the left side of this picture.

Mary crawled to the edge of the dam to have a clear shot of the buck with her Nikon D200.  I hung back a recorded the moment.  I Let her go first. Wasn’t I considerate.  She was kind enough to soak up the water in the grass, leaving me a little less wet.  We laid there together shooting pictures of the big buck for quite some time.

Buck, deer, photography, wildlife

Patience and opportunity pay off. The big fellow started to leave, but he could still smell the doe.

wildlife photography

Maybe he’ll stay.

Buck, wildlife, photography

What a handsome fellow!

We continued taking pictures together until they left.  We would have stayed in the wet grass for as long as the deer were willing to stay.  At a moment like this, I didn’t even notice the cold and wet.  It was one of those great times with my best friend.  We headed back to the house soaking wet and with Mary’s light colored pants looking more like camouflage.  All well worth it.

Buck, doe, deer, wildlife, photography

Off they go over the hill.

The old buck trotted off with the doe over the hill.  I’m with you brother.