This Forester’s Bliss

Mary aka, Sneaking Bliss, loves writing about bliss.  Today she is celebrating a birthday and a big one at that.  Some birthday bliss is just what she deserves.

The Backdoor Artist, Mary, portrait

A little sketch I did of her while preparing to do a watercolor portrait.

Thinking about the day that she entered the world makes me reflect on the bliss she has brought me and so many others.  It is difficult to sum up all the experiences we have shared together.  Sometimes the journey has been like a bullet train moving way to fast leaving us wondering where the time went.  Other times it was like a wagon train head West, a difficult journey, but full of spectacular sights and hope for the future.  I’ve loved the journey with her.

Mary digging for gold.

Mary digging for gold.

It is your birthday today Mary, but I feel like the one who has been given a great gift.  Thank you for being my bliss.  Happy Birthday and I love you.

“If they gave me a fortune my pleasure would be small.  I could lose it all tomorrow and never mind at all, but if I should lose your love dear I don’t know what I’d do. For I know I’ll never find another you.”

The Seekers – Tom Springfield

I’ll Never Find Another You

Mary with gold

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