Auction Results!

steam donkey, pen and ink, drawing, art, watercolor, watercolour

A Ghost in the Forest, mixed media watercolor with pen and ink.

Prints of this painting are available here at Fine Art America.

Forestry Education, Forestry Education Auction, Sierra Cascade Logging Conference

A view from our table during the auction. The auctioneer is the guy in the back with the microphone.

The Forestry Education Auction at the Sierra Cascade Logging Conference was a huge success. They raised a total of $86,500 Friday night for their educational activities. My painting, A Ghost in the Forest, contributed $900 to the fund. It was a successful night.


steam donkey, Willamette steam donkey, steam yarder, pen and ink, pen, ink, drawing.

The Willamette Steam Donkey

I decided to make prints available of the pen and ink portion of the steam donkey painting. It’s available on Fine Art America.

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