The Misery Whip – Home Stretch

Here I am, T-minus 4 hours and not done.  No pressure here….ok maybe a bit.  It’s a good thing I love pressure.  Eat it for breakfast.  Need sleep.  However after a late lunch painting break, back to work (other work not painting) for a while.  I’m close.  Here is where I am.


The Misery Whip

Just for fun I threw in this picture of Mary, The Backdoor Artist, giving a forestry presentation to 4th graders at the conference.  I love this picture, although it does scare me a bit.  Don’t tell her I posted it.

Mary with a torch.  Are you scared yet?

Mary with a torch. Are you scared yet?

37 thoughts on “The Misery Whip – Home Stretch

  1. i’ve been out of ‘pocket’ and am catching up.. i love the perspective on the painting – i love it all!

    what a great surprise to see and enjoy the final image! it’s great and reflects not only her good sense of humor but yours as well. she’ll surely forgive you!



  2. Deadlines are great, nothing like pressure to help you focus. I really like the tree’s bark, can’t wait to see the finished painting. The painting life, full of these moments of adrenaline…


  3. Loved catching up and seeing the the painting in progress Tim ! Not sure of time zones but hope you can /have celebrated a great fund raising event 🙂


  4. Pingback: Steam Donkey WIP and The Last Submission | THE FORESTER ARTIST

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