Forestry Friday … Forest Snapshot Coastal Douglas-fir

Blitz and I have seen a lot of country in our travels. This shot was taken at Lake Prairie in the Northern California Coast Range where the Douglas-fir forests intertwine with coastal prairies. This little lake has been a nice place to stop on the way home to cool off on a warm summer day.

Douglas-fir, Lake Prairie, Blitz, Golden Retriever, forest, forestry

One of Blitz’s favorite stop off places is Lake Prairie.

dogwood, wildflower, nature, photography

I’m so glad that the dogwood are in bloom at this time.


25 thoughts on “Forestry Friday … Forest Snapshot Coastal Douglas-fir

  1. Our dogwoods are finally in bloom, as are the redbuds. I am so glad that my red dogwood survived the winter. It has one 3/4 of a blossom that the snacking deer missed missed, but at least it lived. Bliss looks as though she took a swim. My brother’s golden loved the water and would jump in anywhere, anytime – with permission of course.


  2. I’d never seen a dogwood before, though heard the name, so thanks for the fine photo, Blitz looks so contented, and why not? with such a lovely life and view, I would be.


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