A WIP Times Two

Forester Artist, watercolor, lillies

My wounded paw.

That’s my hand with the bandage.  If you are thinking that some emotionally motivated gesticulating by the digit wrapped in gauze was the cause for the bandage, then I’m going to disappoint you.  No, Mary did not do me bodily harm, nor was it the result of some road rage incident.  I had a cyst and bone spur removed.  I know, considering which finger it was, I could have come up with a whopper of a story.  You are welcome to speculate wildly if you don’t believe me.  Now I have two WIP.  One is the watercolor in the photo and the other is my hand.  It looks pretty swollen in the picture.  Fortunately, I am right-handed so progress continues.


Those aren’t my tears from the procedure.  I’m a big boy and only cry during tragic dog movies.  I took these pictures during the rain storm last week.  It helped bring an end to the fires that were burning here.

Manzanita, rain, photography, nature

Manzanita flowers in the rain.

That night after my surgery, when we went to bed it started raining again.  It was hot in the house so I opened the window to let the cool air in.  My hand ached and it kept me awake.  The lightning flashed in the distance and the thunder rumbled through the sky.  The sound of the rain falling outside was so peaceful that I finally drifted off.

Battle Creek Meadows

Battle Creek Meadows

This rain has been a relief and has delayed our oncoming drought.  Soon it will be dry again.

In the clouds.

In the clouds.

Just the girls and I.

golden retriever

Tim, Teka and Blitz.

49 thoughts on “A WIP Times Two

  1. Fingers can hurt a lot, hope it progresses quickly. And rain is so nice to sleep to. We are having a little rain too, the old-timers say that you just just can’t get too much rain in May.


    • You’re right about that. I think if a finger is that small it should hurt less, but noooo. It is feeling much better now. You so right about the rain too. We have some in the forecast for this week also, and I hope we get it.


  2. yikes! sorry about the operation, though you’re probably be happy later to have that bone spur out of the way!

    the watercolor of the lilies is nice; that tree in the clouds is so dreamlike! it’s great to see the girls taking good care of you!


  3. Amazing painting and photos! glad surgery is over and recovering well. *sneaks teka and blitz proper doggy snacks*


  4. We all see different things in the same images. Apart from your hurt finger, which make it difficult to wash, so your hand oils are present as you set your hand on your art work leaving a trace that is hard to paint over, do I assume the painting is finished?
    Seriously though I too love the white haired “hake” brush seen in the picture. I use mine in almost every watercolor. Being right handed, I assume you moved the painting to photograph it, or else you reach across the painting to get your brush loaded from your left hand trays.
    Love the photos too!
    I also love the gamboge yellow you are using, here is a link to a cool story about it http://www.radiolab.org/2012/may/21/perfect-yellow/
    Thanks for the nice posting, I enjoyed it.


    • John I bow down to your wisdom. You are very observant. I believe I have been schooled. Actually, the painting isn’t done and I did put my hand on it. Although, I have only had trouble with skin oils on unpainted paper, at least that I have noticed. I didn’t move the painting and I often reach across it. That is because of my funky desk configuration. The chair fits under the right side, so in order to have my work in front of me I have to put my paints on the left. It is somewhat awkward and risky. I have to be very careful. I usually do my very wet work standing and move the paints to the right. I really enjoyed you comment. I want you to be my teacher! Interesting story about Gamboge.


      • Thank you, I was being light hearted and having some fun. I hope it didn’t offend. The skin oils do transfer and only matter if you do another passage in that area, but can greatly affect fine brush work or details. If you use graphite they will actually spoil the work near the end as they work up through layers and darken some strokes, and resist others, but I wasn’t trying to instruct. Mostly I just enjoy conversing about art. I am considering a “tips” section to my own developing blog. for both giving and receiving tips.


        • No offense taken. I haven’t used the graphite in the manner you describe. I have had the skin oil affect my work and you are quite right. I would love to see you do a “tips” section. Feel free to comment anytime on any subject.


  5. 😦 poor Tim … but I guess maybe some chores are off the to-do-list now Lol . Trust it will be better soon .
    Nice pictures !


  6. So pleased you’ve had rain at last, I know that feeling.
    I broke my finger whilst watching my son play basketball, yes I did say watching, so I know the frustration of waiting for it to heal. Hope you recover quickly!


  7. Ouch! I remember having hit my thumbnail with a hammer and did not know to poke a hole in the nail. A throbbing finger can keep one awake. Storms here tonight they say, following a 90 degree day. It is eerie hot right now. The painting looks like it will be beautiful…… will look forward to seeing it finished, Tim.


  8. Nice flower watercolor. I look forward to seeing it finished. And glad you got some rain. I hope we don’t go through another summer of drought. We’ve already lost a lot of weaker trees.

    Ouch on the finger. I broke a bone in my left (non dominant fortunately) hand falling in a Home Depot about a year and a half ago. I am well known for injuring myself in the most creative ways possible and could have won America’s Funniest Videos several times over. Fortunately there were never any cameras.

    I hope the girls take good care of you. Their legs look a bit muddy. Were they having too much fun?


    • Thanks Ruth. It is good to be creative, but maybe you better just save the creativity for your artwork. Although, if there had been cameras present you may have won fortune and fame! Probably not the fame you are looking for.

      Those girls have fun where ever they go, and if there is water around they are in it.


  9. You’re a wonderful man 🙂 I love your gentleness with the animals and your art, the way you see and capture. Just wonderful.


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