Otter At The Mill

Otter, photography, wildlife, sawmill,  swimming

This handsome otter was swimming around our log pond at the mill in search of an afternoon snack.

This otter and the rest of his clan are regulars around the mill site.  The pond where I took these pictures is smack in the middle of the entire complex.  They visit the log ponds, canals, and the river depending on what is on the menu.  We have a floating platform that suspends a water intake into the pond, but the otters seem to think it was put there for their personal sun basking pleasures.  One of my crew members insists that it is their private restroom, while he complains about all the “otter poop!”  Those are my words, not his.

Otter, photography, wildlife, sawmill,  swimming, fish, fishing

On the menu today, fish!

Otter, photography, wildlife, sawmill,  swimming

Up periscope.

Otter, photography, wildlife, sawmill,  swimming

As he swam around the pond the lighting was constantly changing. He turned out to be a very curious and co-operative subject.

Otter, photography, wildlife, sawmill,  swimming

Otter on golden pond.

The old log pond....otter pond.

The old log pond….otter pond.

44 thoughts on “Otter At The Mill

  1. What a treat to have otters around, especially where you can readily see them. I was surprised to find river otters living here on the ocean beaches. Very mobile, I see them only occasionally as we do our mutual fishing about in the tide pool environs.


  2. I once spent a day at an otter sanctuary in Devon, England watching these delightful creatures – both Indian and English otters. Apparently the Indian otters are much better parents but it was wonderful to watch `Dad` trying to catch a nap after lunch with the kids insisting on climbing all over him. Also the young otters were having a marvellous time playing with a feather they had stolen from a peacock`s tail – it looked very sad by the time they had finished with it!


    • Thanks Yvonne. It is always a joy when they show up here. Although, they are usually in pairs. I will have to keep an eye out for the other. We do get a lot of ducks, geese and egrets visiting so it isn’t too drab when the otters aren’t around.


  3. I love the fact that the otters like the pond at the mill. It sort of shows that there can be integration of wildlife and industry, at least somewhat. Did they make that cool otter sound? Fha fhafha….


  4. Pingback: It’s A Bird No It’s A Plane | David's Photo Blog

  5. What fun to be able to see them often. We have otters here in Indiana but not close to us. What we do have in our lake and creek are mink! I never knew they were around until we saw them on the road back to the house. It is always a special thing.


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