25 thoughts on “Nevada Sunrise

    • It was a rare sunrise to be sure. We definitely had the big sky affect. At home we look through hills and trees, but no city lights. We get some beautiful sunrises, but not like this one. It was like a gift.


    • Oh Good! We always walk the dogs before sunrise. When we did on this particular morning we could tell the sunrise was going to be beautiful. So I put the dogs in the trailer a Mary got a cup of coffee for each of us. We just stood out in the desert with our coffee in hand and watched the show. It was spectacular. I was a moment.


  1. Beautiful sunrise!!! and our sunsets are quite breathtaking as well! This is the BEST time of the year ! Thank You for sharing! Hope you enjoyed your travels. ….(ps…our stars, planets and moon…are quite the sight as well in that BIG open sky)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ruth! The fire is south of us, but we have been getting some smoke. The poor folks in the town of Paradise have been through hell. We’ve had plenty of bad fires here, but this one is the worst.


  2. This sky is a real Christmas gift Tim. I am going to see your other topics as I saw on TV the terrible fires specially in the town of Paradise. So many people died and so many they have not find yet but I don’t think there is any hope for them.
    Thank God you haven’t been affected.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I appreciate your kind words and prayers. It was a terrible tragedy in Paradise and the surrounding communities. Rain is coming tonight and the fire should be ending in the next few days. There is still much pain ahead for those folks. Fortunately, we were never in danger here.


Let me know what you think!