Bliss and the Destroying Angel

Bliss was close to death. Dr. Bob called to tell us that we had better come to see her now. We knew what he meant by what he didn’t say.

Bliss, golden retriever, dog, puppy, poison, amanita ocreata, Destroying Angel

Inspired by a near tragedy, watercolor, and pen and ink.

This was last June. Mary has posted the entire story on her blog at Sneaking Bliss. I encourage you to read it, especially if you are a dog owner.

32 thoughts on “Bliss and the Destroying Angel

  1. Pingback: Saving Bliss | Sneaking Bliss

  2. The picture of Bliss amongst the mushrooms gives me chills knowing what you and Mary have done to save beautiful little Bliss. I just read Mary’s story; your illustration is stunning. I will keep sending prayers for Bliss while she continues to heal and grow.

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  3. Amazing parents young Bliss has in her life – just read Mary’s story and am so thankful to also read that Bliss is finally recovering so nicely. It helps to have the two most incredible dog parents out there. So happy to read that she is back at being what young pups do, play then get bushed and start playing all over again! Wonderful painting Tim!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Holy cow, I can’t believe she is still with you both after eating an aminita mushroom. Thanks to Mary for posting such an amazing account of what you all are going through. I have my fingers crossed for Bliss to continue her recovery!

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  5. Oh my goodness. What a terrible ordeal for everyone. I am so glad that she is recovering. I had no idea mushrooms were so dangerous, so thank you for the information. I am so glad she is still around for you to draw such an lovely picture of her.

    Liked by 1 person

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