March 21–International Day of Forests

Linda Martin Andersen invited me to write a guest blog. Come check it out!

A Writer's Playground

A Writer's Playground Fotosearch_u17996074 “March 21–International Day of Forests” with guest blogger, Tim Livingston.

I can’t think of anyone I’d rather hear discuss International Day of Forests than Tim Livingston.  He’s the forester artist who blogs here:

Here’s Tim with lots to share…

International Day of Forests


International Day of Forests is a day designated by the United Nations to promote the importance of trees and forests in our lives.  A worthy cause in my book for sure.  In the United State we’re fortunate to have a mature forestry profession.  I feel blessed to be a part of it.


In contemplating what this day means to me, I reflect back on experiences that I’ve had. I have only practiced forestry in the United State, but I’ve had opportunities to interact with forestry professionals from other countries a few times during my career.


Once, we were visited by a group of forestry professionals…

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