Buddy The Wayward Wolverine

Meet Buddy, The Wayward Wolverine

Buddy The Wayward Wolverine, wolverine, gulo, gulo gulo, childrens book, watercolor

Buddy The Wayward Wolverine is based on the real life lone wolverine living in California.  Nobody knows how he got here.  He is related to the wolverines of the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho.  This is the fantastical tale of Buddy’s journey.  Written by Maryᴀ Livingston, The Backdoor Artist, and Amanda Shufelberger, the main Buddy biologist.  Illustrated by yours truly the Forester Artist.

We will be at a book signing at the Whole Earth and Watershed Festival, in Redding, California at City Hall on Saturday, April 27th from 10am to 4pm.  Come down to the Red Tail Publishing booth if you are in the area.

Buddy The Wayward Wolverine is also available at REDTAIL.COM.

37 thoughts on “Buddy The Wayward Wolverine

  1. Good Morning Tim 🙂
    Buddy sure is clinging on for dear life there in that icy looking canyon river ! I had look at your links What a great collaberation between you all .
    I had to look at google maps to see how far Idaho is from Califorinia … some journey for a little wolverine 😉
    Hope you have a brighter weekend than the last few days … x


    • The project was really fun. The book signing went great. Although, be the end I think it was about 95 degrees out and it was an outside event. That isn’t a bad temp around here, but for April 27th it was a bit early.


  2. Congratulations on a fine project! The illustrations shown on the Redtail link looked very good and the book and related videos tell a fascinating tale. Being from the UK I had to check the locations, but Idaho is a fair distance from California. Buddy seems quite at home in the snow of Sierra County, in the videos at least.


Let me know what you think!